4 Best TikTok Ad Examples & Why They Crushed It

TikTok Ads
April 23, 2024

What makes a great TikTok Ad? 

If you’re someone who is looking for TikTok video ad ideas, you probably have asked yourself this question. 

Join us as we break down 4 winning TikTok ad examples. Learn why these TikTok ad creatives were incredibly effective in driving views, engagement, and conversions, and use them for valuable insights and inspiration to apply to your own TikTok ad campaigns.

How Athletic Greens Leveraged Influencer Marketing for TikTok

@nickiunplugged Get your free immunity bundle from AG1 by Athletic Greens: athleticgreens.com/nickim #momsoftiktok #momenergy ♬ Wes Anderson-esque Cute Acoustic - Kenji Ueda

Athletic Greens is an online fitness brand in the eCom space that offers all forms of health-supporting nutritional supplements. 

Looking for a brand new way to expand their customer reach organically, they opted for an influencer approach in their TikTok campaign — partnering up with established influencers with a trusted following to run a simple 52-sec ad.

The goal was to create a non-intrusive ad that raised awareness about their offer organically, without hard selling or coming across as salesy on their messaging. And it's safe to say, they accomplished exactly that.

The ad consisted of a simple overlay with minimal edits that fit seamlessly with the style of content usually seen on TikTok. Simply put, all the “selling” was done in the first 10 seconds of the ad. It starts off with the primary hook of the video — day in the life of a content Mom — which purposely calls out the main target audience for this campaign: everyday moms who want to get their fitness on point.

Then they introduced the offer with some non-intrusive captions that read: “free one year supply of vitamin D + 5 travel packs FREE w/ your first purchase!” — which is a subtle CTA that links to the main product the brand was trying to push.

From then on… the ad looked exactly like it was intended to look: like a normal TikTok video. A content mom making a real connection with her audience.

And the result? 

  • More than 1.9M views. 
  • And 1% engagement on an ad that went viral on TikTok.

Main takeaway: Try to blend in with the style of content created on TikTok. Create non-intrusive messaging with subtle CTAs that introduce your offer organically — no hard selling here. If your offer is strong enough, it will get the job done.

How To Cater Your Ad To Your Audience The V-Shred Way

V-Shred is a fitness company that offers multiple programs on how to lose weight, get jacked, and develop a 6-pack in the shortest time frame possible. They recently took the TikTok world by storm with a simple 58-sec ad that showcases the importance of catering your messaging to your audience.

Their ad kicks off with a stunning visual of a guy with a ripped physique right from the get-go. Which is a subtle way to provide credibility for the rest of the ad.

Now, arguably one of the best ways to hook your prospect early on is with a question. “What’s the fastest way to get your dream body?” This engages the prospect — and gets him thinking about his desires & goals and why he hasn’t gotten his dream body yet. The ad proceeds to mention a few of the solutions available in the market… which the prospect has likely already tried but failed to deliver results/work for him.

This accomplishes two purposes: 1) it calls out/drills on the prospect's pain points and 2) it builds up intrigue and gives the prospect the hope that what you’re about to reveal might be the “secret sauce” he was missing all this time.

Very subtle. But this enters into the conversation the prospect is already having in his head and gets him invested in what you’re about to say.

V-Shred introduces the idea of how reaching your fitness goals is nothing more than a “straight line”. A catchy concept that basically implies that getting in shape is simple — and not as complicated as others make it out to be. 

They present a compelling solution: a free quiz that educates you on your specific body type and shows you the easiest way to achieve your desired result. This quiz didn’t require you to leave an email — which made it friction-free and super easy to say yes.

The quiz breaks down the customer avatar for every prospect… and at the end of each, there’s a $67 offer that’s tailored-made based on the specific answers you gave. Which brought an element of personalization that each prospect certainly appreciated.

And the result? V Shred got plenty of prospects through the door (and sold a $67 offer that is likely an appetizer for the rest of the programs remaining on their funnel.)

Main Takeaway: VShred was able to pull this off because they knew their target audience and how to tailor their messaging in a way that would land a response out of them. Always aim to personalize your marketing to your prospect and find new ways to present your offer as unique and different from other solutions in the market.

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